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The team at New Intent are passionate about creating change in our world. Our expertise has seen us take stage in Dubai, Lausanne, Cardiff, London, Barcelona Edinburgh, Glasgow, Rotterdam and Frankfurt. We specialise in taking topics that are combating the world's challenges head on and translating them for your audience, giving key take-aways and calls to action. Browse our key topics below:


United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The UN SDGs were created in 2015 as a roadmap to climate action. These 17 goals play into all of our lives and we have a duty to enact them. How do we follow each goal in our events? And why should we?

Diversity, Equality/Equity and Inclusion

Ensuring our events are welcoming to all regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, mobility, income status and religion is the responsibility of every organisation. What do we do well? What do we need to still work at? What are the consequences of not embracing DEI?


Climate Change & Environmental Action 

Without immediate action, we are threatening the existence of our industry and humanity. Our talks on climate change and environmental action share success stories, ask tough questions, tackle uncomfortable conversations and motivate you to make positive change now.

Corporate Social Responsibility 

How our organisations put people and the planet first projects what type of companies we are. How can events and destinations help organisations realise their CSR ambitions?

Back of a group of volunteers
Pose at Protest

The Politics of Meeting

Our world grows more unsteady each and every day. Human rights are being stripped from all parts of society and the rich/poor divide increases at a terrifying rate. How can business events play its role in fighting injustice, advocating for equality and securing a fair future for the next generation.

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