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Founder Awarded Smart Meetings 2022 Catalyst Amplitude Award

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

Founder and CEO of New Intent, Rory Archibald, has been awarded the Smart Meetings 2022 Catalyst Amplitude Award.

This award recognises agents of change who energise and propel the meetings industry forward while making the world a little more hospitable.

Rory Archibald said, 'it really is an honour to have received this award and honestly, a huge surprise. I firmly believe in driving forward change within our industry in order to drive change in society. My congratulations go out to all of the winners who are leaders in a global industry.'

The Catalyst Awards are organised by Smart Meetings, the leading meetings industry publisher and voice of inspiration for meeting professionals. The awards celebrate the agents of change who propel the meetings industry forward where prospective honorees were asked a series of questions to better understand their core beliefs and trajectory.

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